Julia Valiente
I am a Chinese medicine therapist and specialize in acupuncture and medicinal herbs from Chinese, Ayurvedic and European traditions.
In my clinical practice, I often create custom herbal blends, believing that these plants have extraordinary potential to enhance our well-being, regardless of our health status. This healing power of medicinal herbs is based on the ancient relationship that humans have had with them for thousands of years. Together, we have walked a path of mutual benefit and forged a deep and unbreakable bond. We cannot understand the world's traditional remedies without studying the plants and herbal remedies that support them.
Since my youth, I have been attracted to the healing power of plants due to a health problem. This attraction led me to study the traditions of Chinese herbal medicine and other cultures, with the aim of bringing this knowledge to the West and adapting it to our needs today.
I am convinced that if we incorporated the daily use of medicinal herbs into our lives, we would enjoy better health and lead more fulfilling lives.
My goal is to continue to spread this ancient knowledge and offer everyone the opportunity to reconnect with the wisdom of plants and discover a path to total well-being. I firmly believe that by integrating medicinal herbs into our daily lives, we are not only caring for our bodies, but also honoring an ancient tradition that invites us to live more consciously and fully by taking advantage of the benefits that nature offers us.